Friday, December 17, 2010

Days 7-10 .... We're a couple of days behind schedule

Well, there's been a delay folks. My contractor had to step away from my kitchen for a few days to work on something else so there hasn't been much to report.

My floor has been completely grouted and thanks to Roger, sealed. Pictured below is Roger sealing the newly grouted tile. He used an acrylic based sealer. So if I spill oil or food, the grout won't become discolored. The process was quick and easy. He was done in about 45 minutes and only took about an hour to cure.

Roger (dad) sealing my grout

Here is a short video of Roger sealing the grout. You can see how quick and easy this is to do.

Today, Rob (my contractor's assistant) was here to do my drywall. Unfortunately he wasn't able to get to the priming because the plaster didn't dry in time. He will be back tomorrow to prime and hopefully paint.

Rob closed up the ceiling over the former pantry.
Here is a short video of Rob applying what I think is plaster..not really sure if it's mud or plaster or if those two are the same thing.  

My Inspiration Kitchens

I found some pictures of kitchens that closely resemble what I am trying to achieve. The counter tops and cabinetry match closely to what I have. These serve as my inspiration in color only. Ignore the layout as mine is totally different.

This is the actual counter top color I selected. Allspice LG Hi Mac series. I love the contrast and warmth.

Another beautiful kitchen. I like the neutral warm walls.

Again, a very warm color scheme. Looks very inviting.

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